Wednesday 2 March 2016

How To install Kali Linux In Virtual Box Part 2

How to Install Kali Linux on Virtual Box Part 2

How to Install Kali Linux on Virtual Box Part 2

This tutorial is continuing the last How to Install Kali Linux on Virtual Box part 1, you can check it first before go to this 2nd parttutorial.

Step by Step Install Kali Linux on Virtual Box:

11. After finished setting up the time zone, now we continue to set the partition disk. Because we use virtual machine, we can just use the disk available there.

12. Actually in this partitioning part you can do it by your own and modify as you want, usually in Linux if you want to create manually you can set up the /home, /tmp, /var, /usr, and so on. But since its in virtual machine so I will just leave with the default "for the new users" that mean all data will be in the same partition.

13. After everything finished, just choose "finish partitioning and write changes to disk".

14. The next step is only to make sure that we are ready to create the partition showed in this page. Choose yes if you okay with the information.

15. The installation has started, we need to wait until it finish.

16. During installation the system will ask whether we want to use network mirror or not. If you choose yes, the system will try to find the closest mirror to download the latest package(usually take time longer). You can choose NO in this step, because you can set this option manually in sources.list file after installation finished.

17. The last step is installing the GRUB boot loader. We are not installing the Kali Linuxtogether with other OS-es, so we can just choose YES in this step.

18. We are almost finished, the system will tell you that installation is completed. We can remove the ISO image by clicking
Devices >> CD/DVD Devices >> [list of removable devices]
unchecked the ISO file if it's checked.

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