Wednesday 2 March 2016

How To Hack Youtube Private Videos

How To Hack Youtube Private Videos

You tube is the best site to share videos & over 35 hours of video being uploaded to you tube every-minute. Some videos are ‘private’ which can be viewed by the up loader (user) & only some you tube user, which are selected by the uploader, can view the private video. There are also many videos which are age restricted & require Google to ‘sign it’ to view that video. You can hack ‘You tube private videos’ by following steps:
  • Trick-1You can see the you tube videos as ‘thumbnail’ images before loading them & it help to verify or confirm whether the video is the one that you are looking for or ‘not. This trick method is useful for those users who have limited data-plan or may be slow connection speed.
  • In the following URL, find out the video ID, which look like this ‘ FkTsuqPqsGe’. Now you can use this ‘ID’ in the following URL in order to access or get ‘three-frames’ stills: id/1.jpge,
Imge2- id/2.jpge,
Imge3- id/3.jpge,
Now copy the above URL & then replace the video ID.
  • Trick-2: You can watch the full video without ‘sign in’ but it does not work with private videos.
Remove or delete ‘watch’ from the URL,
Replace = with /,
Like it, & enter.

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