Wednesday 2 March 2016

How To Install Kali Linux In Virtual Box Part 1

How to Install Kali Linux on VirtualBox Part 1

How to Install Kali Linux on VirtualBox Part 1
This is a simple tutorial How to Install Kali Linux on VirtualBox. Usually you need to install a virtual environment to make your own lab without buying extra computer.


1. VirtualBox
2. Kali Linux

Step By Step How to Install Kali Linux on VirtualBox:

1. Install your VirtualBox and download Kali Linux image.
2. Follow the tutorial how to create virtual machine in virtual box (see here).
3. This is the window screen when the Kali Linux Image loaded. Because we will install it, then we choose Install option and then press Enter. (I choose the text install because it more faster than the graphical install)

4. After we choose install, we need to choose the language for the installation. I choose English and then press Enter (most of the navigation press Enter to continue).

5. The next step is choosing the location. This location will be use for system locale. In this example I just use United States(the default one) :-)

6. Yes we're going to the next step, in this window we need to choose the keyboard map we used, in the example I choose American English.

7. The next step is configure the networkwindow and we need to give our computer a hostname. This hostname will identify your virtual machine / OS in the network.

8. Still in the Configure the network window, now we can choose whether want to add thedomain name or configure it later. We can skip this window with leaving the domainname blank. (we can configure it later after installing the system)

9. Now in this step we give the system a rootpassword. Make sure your password hard to guess but easy to remember.

Don't forget to verify it, just to make sure you not mistyping when input the password.

10. The last step in this part 1 tutorial is to set up the system clock. You can choose your timezone here. I choose pacific, because my continent is Asia.

After this we will continue to configuring partition disks in tutorial part 2.

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